2013年7月30日 星期二

Areas: Wenzhou Street Area

Located at the southern part of Taipei and close to National Taiwan University (NTU), Wenzhou Street, was first developed during the later Japanese-ruled period of time. It used to be the dormitory area for Japanese faculty in Taipei Imperial University (current National Taiwan University), and was named Wenzhou Street since 1947. It intersects both Roosevelt‎ Road and Tingzhou Road. The former was channeled out for military purpose during World War II while the latter was reconstructed from Wan-Kin railway area that connected Wanhua and Hsintien. The triangle area formed by these three streets is the so-called Wen-Ro-Ting area, which is the most distinctive and conflicting part in Taipei.

Next door to National Taiwan University (NTU) and not so far from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), most people here are school faculty, staff, and students. It might be the most dense part for bookstores in Taipei, and it’s easy to run into a nice café or bar when you turn the corner in the alleys. There is a café run by Hong Kongese, a flea market by Vietnamese Frenchman, and a superb breakfast store with soybean milk and twisted dough-strips. Across Wenzhou Street is the biggest stadium in southern Taipei, which is the gym and playground in NTU. There are numerous sporting goods stores, and Tai-Yi Milk King is the best choice to chill-out for those who love sports. Wen-Ro-Ting area is also one of the rare places that the noise of bicycle bells could covers that of car horns. At the end of the day’s classes, the bicycles that pour out of the NTU campus gallop ahead like a powerful army to Wenzhou Street. They look for restaurants to eat, cafés to study and write papers, copy shops to make photocopy for textbooks out of print, or, they just hang around with lovers and classmates. The students laugh, play and make fun of each other, which is like an urban bicycle guerilla. There are numerous restaurants due to students abroad from all over the world who stay here with short-term tenancy. At the end of Wenzhou Street is Kungkuan night market with Taiwanese local atmosphere of greasiness and uproar. Once you turn the corner into Wenzhou Street, however, it becomes serene and gentle. It swings between the two moods naturally without any middle ground that shapes one of the characters of Taiwan.

The mood of conflict in Wenzhou Street is also shown through religion. From Wenzhou Street all the way down to Xinsheng South Road across Daan Forest Park, there are plenty of congregations including Christian, Catholic, Islamic, Taoist and Buddhist. Some of them dwell in pigeonholes among apartments and buildings while the others run their affairs in single houses. Some of them seclude and cultivate themselves that people rarely know where they live in solitude; meanwhile, some of them hold markets, classes and forums in the weekends and interact with the neighborhood closely.

Besides various congregations, Wen-Ro-Ting area also realizes toleration in Taiwan through reconciliation of the conflicts. There are Gin-Gin bookstore and Fembooks Bookstore that have had great impact on the homosexual rights movement; Witchhouse, the place where many independent singers have started their career; Taiuan-e-Tiam, a store in the pursuit of Taiwan-centered spirit. Various subcultural communities can have voices here and every kind of issues can be discussed. Sometimes, a certain claim might have a conflict with the residents in the neighborhood. For example, the neighbors would complain the noise from the store, or some of them still act against the homosexual or feel afraid of them. However, there is always a way to solve the problems. It’s like a laboratory glassware here for dwelling possibilities that all kinds of development and expansion are allowed, which also makes a tighter connection with the intellectual education in the colleges.

It is strange that even though Wenzhou Street was named after places in the Mainland China, there are some old Japanese structures hidden in the alleys that haven’t torn off during urban renewal. Although there are not many senior people living here anymore and not to mention those who remember the history, we fortunately have books and schools that give us strength to face the reality from the history. When you tread the streets and alleys, don’t be hurry for shopping or dining. In those days, how many brilliant and indignant young intellectuals who got beaten up sang folk songs here. They chitchatted and goofed around with snipes and beers in their hands that had ignited the revolution with ferocious passion. As a matter of fact, we was colonized by Japan, and NTU was the base of operation for Japan to head south, so there were many special flowers and fruits from Southeast Asia in the campus for research, and the departments founded in the beginning were about agriculture and forestry. As a matter of fact, there was assimilation policy in Japan, which Taiwan was developed as part of the body of Japan. Taipei Imperial University, a duplicate of Tokyo Imperial University, is still our top one institution. We can see the cultural complications between Taiwan and Japan, China and the western world through the traces in Wen-Ro-Ting area. Everything is just like an unfinished naked poem.

Areas: Da-Dao-Cheng

Located at the southwest corner of Datong district in Taipei, Da-Dao-Cheng, used to be the most prosperous and bustling place which exceeded others both economically and culturally in the island of Taiwan. It was named for being a large tract of threshing ground. Located by the side of Dan-Shuei River, Da-Dao-Chen Wharf had connected Tangshan, China and even the furthermost place like Europe and America. Cargo and products from the north and south, Chinese herbal medicine, cloths and so forth, all kinds of groceries gathered here. People were hurrying to and fro, and in and out the harbor, and ferry boats and cargo ships take turns, which had made Taipei City the capital today.

The aboriginal residents in Da-Dao-Cheng were mostly Pingpu tribes. They moved to Da-Dao-Cheng for safety due to the serious armed fight between Mongga and Tongan people in Wan-Hua, which therefore developed the area gradually. Under open-door economics, the overseas commerce had risen rapidly along with the development of stores by the natives of southern Fujian, which made Da-Dao-Cheng the most prosperous distribution center in Taipei. During the Japanese ruled period, the Japanese government focused on regional development, and moved the administration center to Chungshan and Chungcheng districts that made Da-Dao-Cheng a region for the pure locals in Taiwan.

Today, Da-Dao-Cheng Wharf has transformed into a scenic spot. We can only imagine the magnificent age of Da-Dao-Cheng Harbour through those tour ferries travel to and fro Dan-Shui. Though it is not the economic center anymore, it still preserves a certain atmosphere of urban settlement in those days, which always attracts tourists who look for souvenirs. There are must-visit spots such as Dihua Street, the most thriving place in the past, and the Spring Festival Street which is always packed during Lunar New Year. There are tea and rice stores, Chinese herbal medicine stores and groceries from the north and south. Some century-old stores that sell goods and materials for people’s livelihood are still dateless, through which we can still see its unsurpassed grace of the good old days.

If you want to take a walk in Da-Dao Cheng, it is always a good idea to do some homework beforehand. It used to be the cultural center of Taiwan and also the place for new culture movement. There are plays established along with the fiestas in honor of the deity; Beijing opera and stage play that brought to Taiwan by the Mainlanders; glove puppetry by local Taiwanese, and the transformed Taiwanese opera by the Japanese. In 60s and 70s, there were dozens of big and small shows at night in Da-Dao-Cheng, where the folk culture could therefore settled down. After years of dormancy, Da-Dao-Cheng is now presenting itself with great fanfare. We can still encounter the roles that perform in an opera with charming appearance. There are also relics of theater stages in the allies. Meanwhile, Da-Dao-Cheng Theater and Guisui Opera Park Stage were set up for keeping the stage for local dramas.

The three areas chosen by Close To You Festival this year including Wenzhou Street, which is close to National Taiwan University and has the traces of Japanese occupation under which they rooted their power through education; Yongkang Street has blended various cultures like delicacies and transformed them into something new that represents the strong adaptability and omnivore characteristic of the Taiwanese. As to Da-Dao-Cheng, it is a secret land for the local Taiwanese spirit. Far-Tsu Temple, Xiahai Chenghuang Temple, Tzu-Sheng Temple are three religious centers where you can see the unpredictable of the outer world and the strong desire from the bottom of the heart in the Taiwanese through the eyes of those who put the palms together and whisper in the temples. Also, between Yen-Ping North Road and Guisui Street was the famous whorehouse alley. There were stores with goods and materials for people’s livelihood from the north and south, religious places for sacrifices to the gods, whorehouses and harbours….If there is a list of human basic needs, you can find each of them and check every single item. Furthermore, the flashpoint for 228 Massacre where one of the agents of the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau hit the cigarette vendor Lin Jiang-mai in February 27th, 1947, was just under the arcade left to the tavern across Far-Tsu Temple.

Therefore, don't forget those John Does in the all days when you visit Close To You Festival, thinking about how those tiny basic needs by human beings had built up a city, how thousands of people had died for it, and how it had stood up in a fresh appearance. How special is this city, Taipei, small but full of scenes that you can witness while walking through the streets and allies.

2013年7月26日 星期五





五年前,黑先生跟太太,加上幾個大學死黨,在和平東路經營一家叫「I Lost」的展覽空間。後來,成員有人出國,有人另有工作,他們把空間關閉,各奔東西。「去年底,當初幫忙找場地給我們的、很照顧我們的一位長輩,問我們要不要把『I Lost』的經營概念搬到溫州街上的新空間」,五年前的夥伴再度聚首,覓米誕生。

「我太太當初想店名的時候,一直發出『咪咪咪咪』的聲音,覺得這聽起來不錯,類似某種無意義的發語詞」,朝這方向去想,黑先生開始找字對音。「我們先選了『覓』,跟之前『 I Lost』有點關係。迷失跟尋覓,五年前五年後,隱約有種核心精神聯繫在一起」。選「米」這個字,則是因為比較接近鄉土、有種自然感。














《陶氣》Pottery Cooperation

共同創作:協同演員 李書樵


10/4 Fri.  19:30

10/5 Sat. 14:30 19:30* (*英文導覽場次 English guide tour)

10/6 Sun. 14:30 19:30

✽本演出為非親子節目, 12歲(含)以下之兒童無法進場觀賞。

2013年7月25日 星期四

Programs: Dadaocheng Area 10/9-11 Wed.-Fri.

Dadaocheng Area 10/9-11 Wed.-Fri.

The cycle of things

Netherlands︱Grims Paper Theatre

Acting Type:Toy Theater
Venue:Boan 84 Space(No.84, Bao'an St., Datong Dist.,
 Taipei City )

A short piece about how nature is influenced (and often disturbed) by human activities, showing that in the end nature is stronger and always reasserts itself. The beginning and the end of the show are identical, a real cycle.

A Woman Going Home

Taiwan︱Robin Erik Ruizendaal & Wu, Shan-shan /Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company

Puppet Design & Production:Kim Siebert &  Lai Shih-an
Art Design:Zhan, Yu-shu
Sound Design:Snow Huang Sze Nung

Acting Type:Rod Puppet, Object and Installation
Venue:Chen-Wey Teahouse (No.156, Section 1, Dihua St., Datong Dist., Taipei City)

On the map of life the road home is one of the most important streets. We can go home following the streets or just go home in our minds, remembering the past. In the play “A Woman Going Home” we follow a woman on her way home, but also follow her memories and her map of life. “Home” in this performance is the final destination. For most people home is also a place where life started, a place for which we feel many complex emotions. Going home after a long time is filled with joy, expectations and a certain anxiety, bringing back memories of growing up and becoming who we are now.

Learning to write poetry in a Butcher's shop

Taiwan︱FU Yu-hway, HSUEH Mei-hua, CHING Chi-yang

Acting Type:Object and Environmental Installation
Venue:Fleisch Cafe(No.76, Section 1, Dihua St., Datong Dist., Taipei City)

She lives her life like a butcher. She constantly cuts off her own flesh then uses objects around her as a substitute for her existence. Gradually she loses the feell of her own flesh and blood and the feeling of pain. Until one day, after hearing a girl’s wail, she wants to call back all those pieces of her flesh that was scattered in the past.

Dadaocheng Area

10/9  Wed. 16:30
10/10 Thur. 13:30* 16:30 (*English guide tour)
10/11 Fri. 13:30 16:30

Tickets: http://tix.closetoyoufestival.com
Website: http://www.closetoyoufestival.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/closetoyoufestival?fref=ts

1. Discount cannot be used in combination with any other discount offers.

2. Delivery method:We will start mailing the tickets to you from September 10th.

3. Ticket refunded and exchanged must be made at least ten days before the performance. A 10% handling fee will be charged per transaction. Late request will not be accepted.

4. The shows are not for young children. They are for audience ages 12 and up

5. All complimentary gifts will be sent along with the ticket to the appointed address.

6. Any question please go to tix.closetoyoufestival.com or email us:ticket@flying-group.com.tw

2013年7月19日 星期五


老舊洋房改建而成的咖啡小自由(Caffe Libero),可以說是永康街的新地標之一。位於永康街尾端近金華街,建築風格獨特,精緻工法的復古木製裝潢,從室內延伸至戶外陽台,遮雨棚下襬放著或長椅或矮桌或可供一群朋友併桌聚會的傳統方形大桌,佐以自家烘焙新鮮咖啡豆味,讓人途經此地必然駐足停留,聞香而來一探究竟。除了已是招牌單品的咖啡及深廣俱備的酒單,小自由還有一家店中店,以臺式水果為主打的「在欉紅點心鋪」,提供顧客更多元更活趣的飲食選擇。













我很期待小戲節在每個不同的區域,不同的店家,和當地生活場景產生連結, 把小戲節那種小巧親密的味道融入生活,很期待到時候的觀眾會是哪些人?有哪些反應?當然,我也很希望可以在實際演出前,先瞭解一下演出內容,看看小自由還能做哪些配合,讓整個演出更完整。劇場這一塊我算是外行,但我覺得,劇場表演的重點應該在於現場和當下的感受,打破有形或無形的距離,成為人與人之間的溝通橋樑。我非常期待,到時候演出會呈現怎樣的風貌!

電話:02-2356-7129   營業時間:週一至週六12:00-24:00; 週日12:00-18:00


《一 一》Double Blind
台灣 Taiwan︱Baboo / 翻訳会社│transxtrans

10/11 Fri.   19:30
10/12 Sat.  14:30 19:30*  (*英文導覽場次 English guide tour)
10/13 Sun. 14:30 19:30

✽本演出為非親子節目, 12歲(含)以下之兒童無法進場觀賞。

2013年7月10日 星期三

Programs: Wenzhou St. Area 10/4-6 Fri.-Sun.

Wenzhou St. Area 10/4-6 Fri.-Sun. 

The Jester

Netherlands︱Theatre of Dreams  
Jeroen Boerwinkel & Laura Hamers

Acting Type:Mime+Costume+Mask+Puppet
Venue:Yumu Cafe (No.3, Aly. 5, Lane 74, Wenzhou St., Da’an Dist.,
Taipei City)

THE JESTER is a medieval figure, who entertains himself by playing and drinking, but when he dozes off to sleep, his little dream world with pure puppetry arises. An intimate play by Jeroen Boerwinkel, combining Mime with Costumes, Masks and Puppets, Theatre history from the Middle Ages till now comes to life in a playful way.

Teatime with me, myself and I

Taiwan︱CHOU, Tung-yen / Very Theatre

Co-Creator:Lee, Kuo-han & Hsueh, Yung-jen 
Acting Type:Mobile+Projection+Shadow
Venue:Bookman Books(2F.-5, No. 88, Section 3, Xinsheng South Rd, Daan Dist., Taipei City) 

I face different sizes screens every day, my desktop, my laptop, my ipad and my phone. Somehow they have built up my world. 

The big screens give me light and warmth and the small screens listen to my whisper. 

As for those neither big nor small, they understand that I want to be watched by them quietly. They are the only ones who know my humble desire.

Pottery Cooperation

Taiwan︱Cheng, Chia-yin & Wu, Chi-zeng/Puppet & Its Double

Co-Creator:Li, Shu-chiao
Acting Type:Installation & Puppetry in Pottery
Venue:Miimi gallery(2F., No. 2, Lane 48, Wenzhou St, Daan Dist., Taipei City)

Light weight and the strength are often issues during the puppet making process. However, puppetry artist Cheng Chia Yin takes up the challenge of using rough and heavy ceramic material to create a puppet show. Compare to wood, pottery is more resistant to corrosion throughout time. Therefore, the earliest puppets from archaeological excavations are the pottery figurines. The first year of the Close To You Puppet Festival, Cheng Chia Yin manipulated a puppet by balancing the weight between different piles of raw meat on the pan of a scale. This time, she and pottery artist Wu Chi Cheng are going to bring the audience into an unique pottery installation that will give them a totally different point of view about puppetry.

Wenzhou St. Area

10/4 Fri.  19:30
10/5 Sat. 14:30 19:30* (*English guide tour)
10/6 Sun. 14:30 19:30

1. Discount cannot be used in combination with any other discount offers.
2. Delivery method:We will start mailing the tickets to you from September 10th.
3. Ticket refunded and exchanged must be made at least ten days before the performance. A 10% handling fee will be charged per transaction. Late request will not be accepted.
4. The shows are not for young children. They are for audience ages 12 and up
5. All complimentary gifts will be sent along with the ticket to the appointed address.

6. Any question please go to tix.closetoyoufestival.com or email us:ticket@flying-group.com.tw













營業時間:週一到週日: 10:00 - 0:00



《丑角之夢》The Jester
荷蘭 Netherlands︱夢想劇場Theatre of Dreams
葉倫博爾文柯、羅拉海茉絲 Jeroen Boerwinkel & Laura Hamers


10/4 Fri.  19:30

10/5 Sat. 14:30 19:30* (*英文導覽場次 English guide tour)

10/6 Sun. 14:30 19:30

✽本演出為非親子節目, 12歲(含)以下之兒童無法進場觀賞。